The Banshee (violin, viola, cello, or double bass with piano accompaniment)


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The Banshee (For violin, viola, cello, or double bass with piano accompaniment)
by Jennifer Rhodes

Time: 3′ 15″
Piano score: 7 pages
Solo part: 2 pages

Approx. Suzuki violin level 4+

SKU: N/A Categories: , , , , , ,


The banshee is a female, spirit-like figure in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member with wailing or keening. Depending on the region, the banshee may be described as frighteningly tall or elfishly short, raven or red haired, a young maid or an old woman, an individual ghost or a clan of specters. Her cries can take the form of bittersweet songs, be the most mournful sounds on earth, or pierce shrilly enough to shatter glass. But whatever form she takes, all the tales agree: seeing or hearing her indicates imminent death of a loved one.

This piece includes “wails” in the form of slides in the solo part (all based around the octave harmonic – excellent practice for players still new to shifting) over an atmospheric “moorland” of a piano part. The first theme is derived from the medieval “Dies Irae” requiem chant, a melody traditionally used in worship services for the dead. The second theme is an adapted Irish reel, played slowly the first time before spiraling into something wild and fast.

Commissioned for 7 City Strings studio in Queen Creek, AZ.