Adult Violin Studio

Personal and purposeful,
in person and online.

Are you an adult violin player?  Any of these sound like you?

  • You loved playing in high school, then “adulting” happened.  You’d love to get back in shape again!
  • You play in a local orchestra or church and want to feel more prepared and confident.
  • Your child is in music lessons, and you’d like to play with and support them more.
  • You’re a music teacher…but after teaching so much, your own playing gets neglected!

You’re in good company 🙂

Welcome to our Adult Violin Studio especially for adult violinists.  Understanding how few opportunities there are for violinists to continue growing musically after high school, the program fills this gap by providing the accountability needed to progress, the flexibility necessary for adult lifestyles, positive social support, and a lower cost than most weekly private lessons programs. 

The studio runs in 8 week sessions. Players may enroll for a single session or continue enrolling each quarter, according to their goals and schedules. One of the awesome things about being an adult player is the freedom to make what you want of your own musical experience!


The eight week format includes 3 studio classes (75 min), 3 private lessons (45 min), and 2 recording reviews.

Studio classes consist of 4-7 players. Each player has the chance to perform their works-in-progress. Sometimes people feel nervous about this at first, but they all get better at it because the group is so supportive of each other! Specific practicing strategies are discussed or assigned, and everyone’s input and ideas about how they learn is one of the greatest benefits of the class. In addition to learning their own pieces, students become familiar with the music played by all the students in the group. In-person and online versions of the program may be offered, depending on student requests in the interest form

Private lessons are a traditional one-on-one music lesson experience when we dig into personal technique and individual needs.  There are a handful of time slot options for these, they may be in person or online, and these choices can be different each month. 

Recording reviews are super important! They do not need to be high tech or fancy or stressful. Players make and submit recordings (via Marco Polo or YouTube) on their own timeframe during the week and get written or video feedback from me.  This is a super flexible way to keep moving forward, even on busy weeks.  But even more important is becoming your own teacher as you watch and listen to yourself, seeing your progress, and creating a personal archive of your music-making!


The program runs in 8 week sessions, coinciding closely with the local school district calendar. Enrollment is offered before each session, with priority given to current students re-enrolling. Upcoming sessions include:

  • Summer 2024: May 28-July 5 (enrollment deadline May 13)
    Summer session is reduced: 2 group classes, 2 private lessons, and 2 recording reviews. Tuition is reduced to $275.
  • Quarter 1, 2024:  August 5-September 27 (enrollment deadline July 22)
  • Quarter 2, 2024: October 14-December 20(enrollment deadline September 30)

Classes and lessons are generally held Tuesdays-Thursdays during school hours (AZ time). 

Tuition is $350 for the session (one payment of $350 or two monthly payments of $175).


If this looks like a good fit for you, click below to submit an interest form!  It will ask for your background and goals as a musician and allow you to indicate preferences for class and private lesson scheduling, in-person vs. online, etc.  There’s also a place for you to ask any questions you may have for me about the program. Classes will be created and offered based on responses in this form.

If you’re curious but now isn’t a good time, join the mailing list below to be kept in the loop for the future!

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